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During the three years of this Jean Monnet Module, the training materials of the courses and seminars will be made available on the ENACTING website.

Moreover, a series of policy papers will be produced. The policy papers will tackle the most relevant issues related to the topics of the module, including e.g. possible alternatives to the enforcement procedures of Article 7 TEU, and will contain proposals and recommendations for policy makers. The policy papers will be made available either in the online, open access, Scopus-indexed interdisciplinary journal Perspectives on Federalism ( or in the STALS (Sant’Anna Legal Studies) paper archive ( The policy paper series will include some of the works presented by the students at the workshop.

After the final conference of the module, a book will be published collecting all the essays of the conference speakers as well as essays written by the speakers involved in the previous seminars. The book will aim to provide a critical, contextual view of the place of Article 2 values within the EU constitutional order.